Monday thru Friday
Midnight - Your Positive Country hits
7 AM - Mar-Tay in the Morning
11 AM - Your Positive Countrty hits
3 PM - Your Drive Home with Bev
7 PM - Your Positive Country hits
Midnight - Your Positive Country hits
6 PM - The Triple C on HC
with Marty Smith
7 PM - Your Positive Country hits
Midnight - Your Positive Country hits
9:30 AM - Pastor Rusty Gilliam
10 AM - Your Positive Country hits
12 PM - Joyful Sounds with Rob Green
2 PM - The Triple C on HC with Marty Smith
3 PM - Your Positive Country hits
7 PM - Gospel Country Countdown
with Les Roberts
8 PM - Today's Cross Country
with Marty Smith
9 PM - Joyful Sounds with Rob Green
*All times are Central